The first thing that will happen is a free one-hour consultation.  I'll come to your office or home and we'll talk about what it is that you want to accomplish.  I'll ask you not to "straighten things" or "clean up" for my visit.  I need to see how the space usually is in order to know how I can help.  I've chosen to work with people who aren't naturally organized and I don't judge.

I want you to know that I understand that letting me see the natural state of things may be uncomfortable, but I'm used to it.  I take your privacy seriously and I consider all of our work sessions and conversations to be confidential.

If it's clear that we'll need items to use in our task, I'll have you purchase those items before we start.  Otherwise, please don't go out and purchase a lot of organizing bins, boxes or files.  I don't want to see you waste money on items you don't need.  As much as possible, we'll use what you already have and you can pick up a few things as we progress, if need be.

Next, we'll set a time for me to come and we'll get started.  We'll work together to sort, organize and (if you wish) release some of your possessions.  If downsizing is the goal, we'll start by assessing the larger items that are a priority to have in your new home.  Then we'll work together to sort through the smaller items to make sure that your new home will be comfortable, but also accommodate those prized possessions.

When I leave at the end of our session, if you like, I'll suggest some "homework" that you can work on until we meet again.

I'd love to say that I'll be able to give you an estimate of the time that it will take to accomplish each task but my experience has been that that's not possible.  Some people find this process very easy and work very quickly.  Others find it more challenging and will need more time to make decisions.  The total time will also depend on whether or not you choose to do "homework" between our sessions.

My rate is a flat $30 per hour, with a two hour minimum.  Payment for services is made each day at the completion of the session.

I ask that you remove and secure firearms from work areas.

I also ask, for the safety of us and your pets, that you find a comfy space for them outside of the work area.